Vaccination Information
Vaccination Distribution
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What you should know
COVID-19 Vaccination Roles and Responsibilities:
Many of our residents have expressed interest in knowing how the vaccination distribution and administration process works. To help our residents better understand the process, we have provided the infographic below, which we sincerely hope will satisfy your curiosities.

December 2020
The government released an Ethical Framework for COVID-19 vaccine distribution which was developed in partnership with the COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Task Force to guide further vaccine prioritization and distribution across the province.
We are continuing to vaccinate vulnerable populations and those who care for them through Phase One of our three-phase implementation plan as additional vaccines become available.
News Release:
French: https://www.ontario.ca/fr/page/cadre-ethique-pour-la-distribution-des-vaccins-contre-la-covid-19
Web Resources:
English: ontario.ca/covidvaccine
French: ontario.ca/vaccincovid